Devis Grebu

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Marcel Janco (co-founder of Dadaism), at Devis Grebu’s one-man-show (1972, the New Gallery, in Tel Aviv, Israel)

A work of art cannot be created out of confusion and vagueness. Just as in house building, so in an artistic creation, a preplanned "project" is required. Plastic Art holds a distinction for graphics, drawing and the logic of an idea. Although the "project" may change sometimes during the process of creation, we have always shown first preference for the primary phase which is expressed by the directness of the line – the calligraphy and the style of the work itself. We have preferred artists who showed an inclination towards construction, graphics and drawing skill.

Devis Grebu stands as a good example of this conception, in his work one can sense the impulse of a creative constructor and his freedom of composition prevails. A belief in the priority of "the style" may be the most unrevolutionary concept in these times of chaotic experimentation - but it holds an indication that there is an improvement in the contemporary artistic approach.